Our British pig farming heritage began in the 1980s with the creation of our in-house higher welfare pig production operation.

As the largest producer of higher welfare pork in the UK, we collaborate with over 1,000 British farmers across our pig farming practises including our outdoor breeding and growing pig production system and free range and organic pig production. We also extend our offering to manage our Red Tractor growing pigs contract scheme and to procure Red Tractor pigs. 

We are committed to sustainable, regenerative UK pig farming and we are proud to offer a range of options for pig production to traditional pig farmers as well as arable and dairy farmers looking to diversify their operations. 

Animal Welfare

Animal welfare is central to our operations, and we continue to invest in strategies to enhance the welfare of our pigs.

All pigs in our higher welfare supply chain have access to permanent environmental enrichment, allowing them to display natural behaviours such as rooting. In partnership with our farmers, we strive to safeguard, maintain and improve the health of our pigs to provide the highest quality produce for our consumers and partners ensuring the process from farm to fork is of the highest standard.

As part of our ongoing strategy, we continue to review our antibiotic usage in pig farming and review industry targets regarding this to ensure we work collaboratively with our farmers to ensure they are met, all with higher welfare in mind. 

Outdoor Breeding

Our farmers are at the heart of everything we do. We partner with our farmers to raise higher welfare pigs, and we continue to refer to the RSPCA outdoor bred standards as a minimum. 

Our sows are free from confinement during gestation and farrowing periods and all pigs born outdoors are provided with shelter, where they remain until they are weaned at approximately 35 days of age.

Within our integrated Outdoor Breeding (ODB) model we ensure experienced field staff and vets are on hand to help support farmers and advise throughout our pig base, which includes: 

  • 2 nucleus sow herds
  • 55,000 sows on 58 breeding herds
  • 285,000+ growing pigs on 160+ partner farms

For ODB Breeding Opportunities, please contact Mark Vining:

Red Tractor Standards

We currently partner with approximately 150 independent farms to procure our pigs, as well as developing our Red Tractor assured pigs as part of our growth strategy. 

We work with our farmers every step of the way, to ensure they are supported in every aspect of this type of farming and to ensure higher welfare standards are implemented and maintained across our supply chain. 

For Red Tractor Breeding and Growing Opportunities, please contact Heidi Dekker-Woljung: 

Two people chatting in a field

New Build and Conversion Opportunities

As we grow, we are looking for more farmers to join our successful operation. We offer long-term agreements and competitive returns, as well as support with a high welfare, new build, straw-based system, working in a fully integrated supply chain for premium retailers. 
At all times throughout the process of becoming a Pilgrim’s Europe partner farmer, specialist field staff provide support and guidance.

Conversion of existing buildings

We also have significant experience of successfully converting many different types of clear span buildings for pig finishing including former cattle yards, broiler sheds and laying sheds. 
If you think you have a building with potential, get in touch and we will come to the farm and assess the suitability for conversion. We always encourage potential partners to visit some of our existing partners to understand how we work with them. 

We Supply

  • Pigs
  • Feed
  • Transport
  • Field Staff Support 
  • Veterinary Support and Medicines
  • Dead Pig Disposal
  • Sundries

Farmer Supplies

  • Building
  • Labour and Machinery
  • Straw
  • Water
  • On farm costs

For new build and conversion opportunities, please contact: Mark Jagger